Working from home is a great perk and has some fantastic benefits, but it can mean an increase in your employees’ energy bills. During the current cost of living crisis every penny counts so we’ve compiled a list of ways your employees can reduce energy usage when working from home.
Offer Flexible Working
A recent analysis by Uswitch found remote workers typically use 75% more gas and 25% more electricity per day in winter, compared to those who work full time from the office. Where possible, offering your employees the opportunity to work from the office on a flexible basis can combat these costs.
Make Office Working Affordable
A recent survey of 900 hybrid workers by InstantPrint found that 85% agreed working from the office will be more appealing in the coming months, with almost half planning to make the commute to the office to help with energy bills. Help to make this more affordable by reimbursing travel expenses where possible.
Encourage the Use of a Smart Meter
Smart meters can make energy usage more efficient, with an in-home display your employees will be able to track their energy usage in real-time and only be billed for energy they’re actually using. There’s also the added bonus of not having to take and submit readings.With PLANTS + PERKS your employees can get discounts on smart meters - book a call with us to find out more!
Help Ease Food Costs
With many employees opting to return to the office to cut down on energy bills, buying on-the-go meals and hot drinks can become costly. Covering the cost of your employees’ lunch at work can make all the difference. Here at PLANTS + PERKS our users get a FREE LUNCH from Bol every week at their local Tesco - book a call with us to find out more!